Here are some musical works of my own and collaborations I have been a part of. I hope you can enjoy and be a part of the journey as I continue to grow and learn and share heart and art!

Prayers for Tonight & Today
This is a two song EP that I worked on writing and production with my good pal Sully Bright (also known for his band Spruce and Hollow)! These songs were prayers of my own, written after my own sleepless nights and wanting a song to sing to myself and in holding the tension of the holy and the mundane at the same time with reciting the Lord's Prayer at church and then living in my every day rhythms, experiences, or relationships.

Indelible Grace Live Record
I was honored to be invited as a vocalist to contribute to this live record which was performed in Memphis at the PCA GA to celebrate 50 years of RUF. After participating as a student at Reformed University Fellowship, it was a gift to share the stage with so friends who've walked before me from Belmont and into the music scene of Nashville. It was also special to sing songs that I have been leading in worship for the past 5 years as well.